‘Just in sequence’ a step further than ‘just in time

Marthijn Koorn portrait

Marthijn Koorn

Commercial Director

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Just in Time (JIT) is a logistics method for inventory control that belongs to lean manufacturing, originating in Japan. It means delivering exactly what the customer needs “just in time.”

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    Through short communication lines between the customer and Pentas, it has become possible to synchronize production and delivery so well that almost no inventories are needed. Deliveries happen precisely on time, allowing the customer to use the products directly on the assembly line. This ultimately eliminates inventory costs and all associated expenses.

    What is Just in Sequence?

    This concept has been further developed into a more advanced delivery process called Just in Sequence (JIS). Components and parts arrive at the production line just in time before they are assembled. Feedback from the manufacturing line is used to coordinate transport. For example, our customers want to ensure that they not only have enough fenders at the right time but also that blue, red, or other colored fenders are available at the precise moment they need them. If the factory is producing a blue, a white, a black, and a red car in that exact order, it must know that blue, white, black, and red doors are also delivered in the same order.

    Fenders in all sorts of colors

    With JIS, the costs of getting parts in the right order shift from the factory to the supplier. With JIT, companies reduce storage costs by leaving inventory with the suppliers, expecting them to deliver at the right time. When JIS is successfully implemented, it improves a company’s return on assets (ROA) without sacrificing flexibility, quality, or overall efficiency. JIS is primarily used in the automotive industry and is increasingly adopted by leading manufacturers in other industries.

    Pentas Moulding can deliver products in the right and desired sequence

    Over the past year, Pentas Moulding has made just-in-sequence deliveries possible together with its customers. This enables Pentas Moulding to deliver the required parts and subassemblies to production stations in sequence when needed and in the correct order in which they are to be used. We support the so-called ‘in-line vehicle inventory,’ Just-In-Time inventory, and other best practices. This balances the workload more evenly on the production line while reducing work-in-progress, inventory, and lead times.

    The Pentas JIS solution is a comprehensive just-in-sequence system closely integrated with production and covers the entire JIS process – from receiving call-off data via EDI to sequencing and from on-demand production control to implementing traceability and logistics requirements. The Pentas JIS solution integrates seamlessly into existing infrastructure.

    Marthijn Koorn portrait

    Marthijn Koorn

    Commercial Director