Customer stories PreZero Netherlands

Daan Buitenhuis portrait

Daan Buitenhuis


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Pentas operates in various markets with a large number of customers. We value strong relationships and long-term collaborations with these customers. For example, we have been working with many customers since the founding of Pentas. In this article, we speak with Paul Maas and dive deeper into our collaboration with PreZero, one of our diverse customers.

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    About PreZero Netherlands

    PreZero Netherlands, part of the global PreZero group, aims to recycle as much waste as possible to use as raw materials for new products. With innovative and sustainable solutions for waste and raw materials, energy, water, and the environment, they protect and preserve valuable resources for the future.

    How long have you been working with Pentas?

    We have been a customer of Pentas since 1991.

    Which product do you purchase?

    The Sitatainer product, a packaging for paint cans at the waste stage. This packaging has been specially tested by TNO.

    Why are you a customer of Pentas?

    For us, the strengths of Pentas are: a good price-quality ratio of our product and the clear agreements that are always adhered to when it comes to production, delivery times, and storage.

    Do you have a good example of successful collaboration?

    A great example of our collaboration is the development of our sustainable UN-certified storage and transport box for paint waste packaging. The container in question was developed for Leto BV, a chemical waste processing company. More specifically, the container is intended for collecting (empty) cans that previously contained printing ink. Leto places the container at printing companies and regularly exchanges it for an empty one. The waste product is a “chemical waste.” For this reason, the container must have UN certification. This was ultimately achieved, thanks in part to the extensive testing and analysis by Pentas.

    What are PreZero’s wishes for the future and further collaboration?

    We are aiming for our 50-year collaboration anniversary!

    Paul Maas - Project Manager PreZero Netherlands

    Daan Buitenhuis portrait

    Daan Buitenhuis
